myQuality is a complete ISO 9001 quality management system in a 'box'.  All the required documented information is pre-installed ready for assessment, design, implementation, certification and ongoing support.  It is fully compliant to the 2015/2016 versions of the standard.

The platform includes all the minimum requirements through an intuitive, interconnected structure of online databases, registers, templates, forms, procedures and much more.  A once off set up fee includes a dedicated company domain, x5 managers, unlimited users and 12-month licence.  Ongoing use is through an annual prepaid licence fee.    To request a demonstration or an estmate, click on myQuality Access Request and we will get back to you very shortly.

Pricing is based whether the platform is being utilised with or without a consulting package.  

All data entered on the platform remains secure and fully supported with multiple redundant back up protocols.  Upon any cessation of the service all relevant data will be returned to company in the most appropriate Microsoft format such as Word or Excel.  Minor modifications to the base model are provided at no cost.  Such modifications would be less than 15 minutes in programming duration at a time and less than 60 minutes in total over the duration of any one project or subscription year.  However, the platform can be completely tailored to your exact needs and can completely replicate and replace any current workflows and databases.  Such requested modifications will be reviewed, costed and submitted through a project variation for approval.  Such modifications could be for the development of a new database, automated enrolment form, milestone management portal, etc.